About Us

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Why we created Intellixcore

As specialists in business, AI & Digital we wanted to help companies transform their operations using the power of AI without having to build expensive AI&ML teams or having to spend $millions of dollars with traditional AI vendors.

Intellixcore is designed to empower businesses of all sizes by providing an advanced AI orchestration platform for creating AI-based digital workers. Our goal is to simplify the adoption of AI and machine learning technologies, allowing companies to adopt Intelligence (AI), Automation, Distribution and Virtual Operations (IADVO) technologies, by offering scalable, secure, and customizable AI agents, Intellixcore enables organizations to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and stay competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Our Capabilities

We don’t just claim expertise—we embody it daily. Our focus spans Strategy, Operating Models, Innovation, and Technology, powered by the IntellixCore platform. These are more than words; they are the foundation of  our achievements.

With a network of over 5,000 specialists across critical tech sectors, we go beyond expectations. Partnering with ISO27001-certified delivery centers in cost-effective regions, we deliver unparalleled value and quality.

What sets us apart is our ability to fuse Ideation with the advanced capabilities of the IntellixCore platform. We don’t just dream big; we turn visions into reality, delivering solutions that are not only high-value but transformative.

Our journey began with a passion for technology, and our capabilities are shaped by unwavering commitment. We’re more than just experts; we’re innovators, collaborators, and architects of a brighter, tech-driven future.

Meet Some of Our Team

Experience meets innovation, Our team bridges the gap

Mike Greig


Sultan Mahmood


Zara Chaudhry


Salman Iqbal


Tor Gisvold

Advisor & Technical Architect

Musharaf Ali

Data Scientist

Raja Nafees

Senior iOS Developer

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